I’ve never ridden a bike before. Can I still participate in a MiniSBK track day?
If you have never ridden a motorcycle, head on over to our connected school at Supersonicschool.com where you will find everything to get you started. Bike, safety gear and instruction all included. The instructors at Super Sonic School will help you get started and build your confidence and skills to ready yourself to race with us at MiniSBK.
I am ready to race, how do I register for a MiniSBK event?
We use MotorsportReg.com for all event registration, fee payment and waivers. If you haven’t used the site before, you’ll have to create a ‘profile’ or account first.
Can I get a refund?
Unfortunately, we don't offer refunds for events. Read the rule book to learn more. MiniSBK Rules & Regulations
How can I ensure you have a rental bike and gear available for me?
Rental bikes are available on a first-come, first-served basis by pre-booking only. Start by contacting toni@supersonicschool.com Riding gear can also be booked in advance. Must bring your own helmet.
Will MiniSBK do a sound check to my bike?
Yes. Lound bikes will not be permitted to run. Please have a DB killer or exhaust noise reducer fitted properly to your exhaust pipe at all times.
Do I have to pay to come watch a MiniSBK event?
Spectators are welcome free at all our events.
General Track Rules:
MiniSBK and FIM MiniGP Canada events are governed by MiniSBK Rules & Regulations which contains the general rules for all events. We rent the track and other facilities from track owners and 3rd parties and are bound by their track rules by the terms of our rental agreement.
When you come to the track, please obey the following:
- Follow the rules on any posted signs
- Walk your bike in the paddock area. No exceptions!
- Do not enter the infield unless you have express clearance from the event organizers (e.g., this includes photographers, parents and participants).
- Treat the event organizers with respect and patience. They’re all volunteering their time to give you the best track experience possible.
- Consuming alcohol or drugs during MiniSBK track events is prohibited.